Facial correction is a make-up procedure without which perfection is unimaginable. It is a kind of foundation for building the whole. . If we correct the face properly, we have already done half the work. To do this, we need to know the basic techniques, materials, and methods of application.
Correctors are used for various purposes, not only to conceal irregularities but also to shape the face. They differ in opacity, density, intended use, and, of course, color.
The most common flaws on the face are mainly dark circles, acne, pigment spots, birthmarks, and redness… and they are characterized by the fact that they exist in different shades (red, brown, blue, purple…). – neutralizes these colors, or cancels.
Let us remember:
- – Yellow neutralizes purple
- – Orange neutralizes blue
- – Green color neutralizes red
This means that everything we have on our face in a purple hue (dark circles) is neutralized (eliminated) with a corrector in a yellow hue, everything we have in a blue hue (dark circles, veins) is neutralized (eliminated) with a corrector in an orange hue, and everything if we have a red hue on our face (redness, couperose) we neutralize (cancel) it with a corrector in a green hue.
In this case, the choice of quality materials is very important, as they will give you the desired effect, and most importantly, it will be less consumption and easier to apply.